
Shimon Zrihan - Artist

born 1956, was raised in the Northern city of Zefat in Israel.

In his youth Shimon spent his leisure time browsing through the galleries in Zefat’s artists’ colony. He was inspired by the works of the sculptors and artists in the 60’s and 70’s and dreamed of owning his own gallery one day. Soon he began to sculpt in clay, stone and wood.

Over the years, he acquired his education in the arts at the Abba Hushi Art Institute in Haifa, later returning to Zefat to teach sculpture for five years. Simultaneously, he completed his studies at the Tel Aviv University Dental Technician School , and opened a dental clinic. As the years passed, he never abandoned what he truly loved and dreamed of and he continued to create his art. In 2008 he closed his dental clinic to pursue and realize his dream of a full- time dedicated artist.

Shimon Zrihan: A Master of Imagination and Artistic Fusion

Today, Shimon owns the Orian Gallery and Studio in Zefat. He is a member of the Israeli Artists Association and the Zefat Artists Association. Many of his works are displayed in the Zefat General Exhibition and Museum and throughout the country in various shows and exhibitions. Most of the pieces are in bronze or sculpted in wood.

Shimon Zrihan’s guiding principle is to combine all styles; surreal, cubist and realistic – all of which may be perceived in any single sculpture. His unique and wonderful pieces are all the figment of his imagination and are expressed in a clean and meaningful style. Shimon lives in Zefat with his wife Dorit and their five children.